job market .

IT, possible!

Why Scholar?
We transform education to employment systems to prepare, place, and support people into life-changing careers that would otherwise be inaccessible. We have a methodology that we believe can serve hundreds of thousands—and eventually millions—of people who are unemployed, underemployed, or need to learn new skills.
We are dedicated to serve you all time.
Scholar Is Briding the Gap Using Technology.
The Scholar Magazine
The Scholar Listings
The Scholar Jobline
The Scholar Fundline
The Scholar Prints

The Gap Unemployment and Education
Scholar is connecting all dots. The Gap between the two parallel Universes is being bridged by technology.

We transform education into employment systems to prepare, place, and support people into life-changing careers that would otherwise be inaccessible. We believe in honest sharing. We welcome diverse perspectives, opinions, and ideas.

Scholar believes every student has the ability to achieve their potential in school, career, and life. We are a one-stop platform that empowers you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and make informed education and career choices. Use this information and tools to explore various education and career pathways, and take charge of your future.

We believe in four pillars of influence that drive our growth. This is ingrained in everything we do We use technology to create a better and smarter environment. We believe in honest sharing. We welcome diverse perspectives, opinions, and ideas.

Strategic software solutions for Unemployment.
client base
You have better things to do than worry about career/business. Let’s Discuss about Project.

Our Awesome Pricing Plans
The Scholar Listings
- 24/7 system monitoring
- Unlimited Visibility
- Dashboard Control
- Remote support
The Scholar Jobline
- 24/7 system monitoring
- Dashboard Control
- Unlimitted Visbility
- Remote support
The Scholar Fundline
- 24/7 system monitoring
- Security management
- Secure finance backup
- Remote support
Basic Plan
- 24/7 Ad monitoring
- Social Link
- One Month Visbility
- All Websites
Standard Plan
- 24/7 Ad monitoring
- Media Sharing
- Social Links
- All Websites
Extended Plan
- Media Sharing
- One year Visibilty
- Direct Referral
- All Websites

Here’s what our customers have said.
The Ugandan Scholar believes that every Ugandan has the ability to achieve their potential in school, career, and life. We are a one-stop platform that empowers you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and make informed education and career choices.

Ahabwe Narath

Abhi Sufian